What is your dream bathroom? Clean sinks, toilets that flush or full rolls of toilet paper? Well ours is a super crummy restroom. With a ton of disgusting bathroom items we want to help your bathroom become filled with poop and some pretty bad smells.


Super Crummy Restrooms

Tim the Turd is the founder of Super Crummy Restrooms. Because he is a turd he has always hated clean bathrooms. But then he found the solution, Super Crummy Restrooms. With a lot of disgusting products we can help make your bathroom very crummy and a home for Tim and other turds. They can make your bathroom gross and smell bad. But, Tim isn’t the only one who hates clean bathrooms. Patrick the Puke and Tom the Toilet Paper hate getting flushed down the toilet. Help these creatures by buying a lot of crummy stuff to give them a place to live and be happy. Thank you for choosing Super Crummy Restrooms.


“Super Crummy Restrooms truly creates the crummiest restrooms in town. Trust me - I’ve tried to clean one! That pee stench just lingers and lingers. Don’t get me started on the twosies.” - Anonymous, Baltimore, MD